Cooperation with SJU

Information on the history of the coordinate relationship between the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University is found throughout the Archives. Some of the important documents have been gathered together into a single collection called Coordinate Relations but additional documents can be found in other collections. A list of some of these documents is included below. Also available is a detailed listing of documents from the crucial years of 1962-1972, prepared for the Archives by S. Emmanuel Renner (CSB President 1979-1986).

See also Documents on the History of CSB and SJU Cooperation.

Collection 04.0: Board of Trustees:

Accession 04.01: CSB Board of Trustees Meetings
      Boxes 1 to 12, 1968 to 2004
Accession 04.02: CSB/SJU Joint Board Meetings
      Boxes 1 to 5: 1980 to 2004
Accession 04.03: Joint Academic Affairs Committee
AC 04.03.F03:
      Boxes 1 to 3: 1993-1994 to 2003-2004
Accession 04.03: Benedictine University College Subcommittee
AC 04.03.F04:
      Box 1: 1994-2000
Accession 04.08: Joint Governance Committee
      Boxes 1 to 3: 1972 to 2004

Collection 05.0: President:

Accession 05.01: Benedictine Values Program
Accession 05.02: President’s Cabinet
Accession 05.03: Annual Reports of the College
Accession 05.04: Annual Reports of the President
Accession 05.05: Annual Reports of the Administrators
Accession 05.06: Institutional Goals and Objectives
Accession 05.07: Handbooks of Faculty

Collection 06.0: CSB and SJU Joint/Coordinate Relations:

Accession 06.01: Documents of the History of Coordinate Relations
      Boxes 1 to 9: 1967 to 2000
Accession 06.02: Coordinate Cabinet
      Boxes 1 to 16: 1974 to 2002
Accession 06.03: Pappas Consulting Report on Organizational Redesign
Accession 06.04: Presidents’ Advisory Council
      Box 01: 1997-2001
Accession 06.05: Financial Exchange Policy, Credit-Hour Exchange, Zempsky Report, Box 01

Collection 07.0: Academic Affairs:

      AC 07.01.F01 Box 01: Restructuring Academic Affairs Administration for Coordinate Effectiveness, ,
      1992, 1993-1994 to 2003-2004
      AC 07.01.F02 Box 01: Policy on Academic Program Reduction, Impaction Merger, and Closure, 2003
      AC 07.03.F02: Joint Academic Administrators (JAA) Minutes,
         Boxes 01 to Box 06
      AC 07.03.F03: Joint Academic Administrators, Correspondence and Reports,
         Boxes 01 to 02
      AC 07.45.F04: Core Curriculum, Boxes 01 to 08
      AC 07.46: January Term, Boxes 01 to 03
      AC 07.47: Bahamas Program
      AC 07.50: International Education
      AC 07.57: Joint Faculty Assembly
      AC 07.58 to AC 07.77: Faculty Committees
      AC 07.78: Library
      AC 07.81: North Central Accreditation:
         F02 Box 04: 1988 NCA Self-Study by CSB and SJU
         F03 Boxes 1-5: 1998 NCA Accreditation
      AC 07.82: Registrar

Collection 08.0: Student Development:

      AC 08.08: Joint Events Council

Collection 09.0: CSB Publications:

      AC 09.01: CSB/SJU Record, (student newspaper) 1998-
      AC 09.03: CSB/SJU Saints (yearbook), 1998-
      AC 09.05: “Connections” 1993-
      AC 09.05: “CSB/SJU Community” 2000-
      AC 09.09: “CSB/SJU Today” and “College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University”

Collection 10.0: Institutional Planning:

      AC 10.05.F03 Boxes 1-12: Strategic Planning, 1993-

Collection 11.0: Institutional Research:

      AC 11.04 Boxes 1-4: Institutional Research

Collection 13.0: Admissions and Financial Aid:

      AC 13.01 to AC 13.05: Admissions and Financial Aid