Reunion Awards
Each year, the CSB Alumnae Board, on behalf of College of Saint Benedict, presents Reunion Awards to four outstanding alumnae from reunion years whose daily lives reflect and honor the Benedictine tradition and mission of our alma mater. Descriptions of the four awards and links to view their past recipients are listed below.
Award nominations are accepted each year. Contact the Alumnae Relations Office for more information.

Benedictine Service Award
Honors an alumna who has made a significant impact on those around her and for a continued commitment and contributions to community service and social justice at a regional, national or international level. Also demonstrates a commitment to the Benedictine spirit of giving hospitality, love of others, listening and social stewardship.
As opportunity warrants, a specific group of alumnae may be nominated and receive this award if that group meets the rest of the award criteria.
2023 Jennifer Coe Fulton ’93
2022 Giavana Bain Jones ’02
Dr. Patricia Schmitt Mische ’61
2020 Carrie Crook ’95
2019 Danielle Liebl ’14
2018 Kate Ritger ’03
2017 Kimberly Ebert Colella ’82
2016 Debby (Beumer) Bradly ’86
2015 Kristina Seslija ’10
2014 Theresa Hess Seifert ’89
2013 Kenzie Kraemer ’08
2012 Margaret (Peg) Engleson Palen ’77
2011 Sue Lynch Vento ’76
2010 Mary White Frey ’80
2009 Kelly Ann deRosier ’74
2008 Mary Jo Bauer Ederer ’48
2007 Mary Braun Huberty ’67
2006 Lisa Peterson Moschkau ’81
2005 Bernadette Kraemer Stein ’55
2004 Jennifer Fontaine Modeen ’94
2003 Bette Jayne Youso Haak ’58
Jennifer Muyres Palmer ’93
2002 Jeanne O’Fallon Hynes ’57
Lisa Lonneman-Doroff ’92
Tricia Anderson Lyngen ’92
Marianne Mason ’82
Katie Regnier Mortenson ’92
Kathleen O’Neill ’77
Geri Backes Pettitt ’62
Gwen Stende Reiter ’57
Kathi Beavers Rivard ’77
Ann Ruff ’77
Phyllis Gans Sheehan ’52
Barbara Pluth Thomes ’52
Suzanne Welch-Dachel ’57
2001 Karen Welle Bellmont ’66
Eileen Bitzan ’76
Marjorie Boyle Coyle ’46
Lori-Jo Fergle ’76
Betty Sullivan Haas ’56
Julie Hutcheson ’91
Pat Keller Johnston ’61
Leslie Krona ’76
Colleen Lilly ’81
Virginia Ziebol Lyon ’46
Peg Achter Mann ’76
Mary Hughes Mathews ’66
Lisa Moes Maurer ’86
MaryAnn Kinney Pattison ’46
Laurena Lenihan Petron ’46
Nancy Carpentier Roering ’71
Doris Bogut Simonett ’51
Louise Theisen ’46
DiAnn Tintes Vinck ’61
2000 Anne Cleveland Ames ’80
Holly Holdgraf Baker ’90
Martha Terwey Benton ’75
Therese Blaine ’85
Marjorie Welp Clough ’65
Ann Giebel Fischer ’80
Margaret Gruenes ’70
Elizabeth Reiten Henry ’45
Linda Hutchinson ’70
Dixie Aus Labat ’60
Lorene Traxler Lawler ’45
Lila McDermott ’50
Barbara Coy McGinnis ’50
Eleanor Bohlin McHale ’50
Jeanne Daley McIntee ’80
Dolores Lehman Nierengarten ’50
Ruth Radermacher-Yurick ’90
Mollie Mulheran Raih ’65
Lucy Dufner Rieland ’65
Katarzyna Rolzinski ’65
Mary Schlosser ’75
Irene Bates Sullivan ’60
Margaret Wenner Tiplady ’60
Jeanette Thielman Welle ’45
Patricia Welter ’70
1999 Cathy Diekmann ’89
1998 Claire Pawlak Adachi ’83
1997 Honor O’Connell Hacker ’47
1996 Jan Connelly Barnett ’66
Pat Patton Gatzlaff ’71
1995 Bridget Ryan ’75
1994 Kathryn O’Rourke Brinkman ’39
1993 Anne Ford Nelson ’73
1992 Kathleen Yanes Waynes ’42
1991 Marilyn Scholl Schmit ’56
1990 Marilyn Yunker Murray ’55
1989 Joan Strom Riebel ’64
1988 Rose Mary Kuyava Meyer ’68
1987 Kathy Hughes Dooley ’52
Ann Cofell ’77
Marianna Milroy Diekmann ’52
1986 Mary Louise Mitchell ’41
Marguerite Tonskemper Burns ’28
1985 Anne Wolkerstorfer Torkelson ’17
LaJean Hurd Anderson ’37
Decade Award
Honors an alumna who is recognized by her peers as a great role model and leader for younger alumnae because her outstanding career achievements, representing global consciousness and community involvement in her chosen profession.
2023 Kia Lor ’13
2022 Jackie Carlson Heyden ’12
Shannon Preston ’11
2020 Angela Guentzel ’10
2019 Andrea Carrow Morsching ’09
2018 Molly Roske ’08
2017 Megan Peterson Christofield ’07
2016 Mary Winzenburg Uran ’06
2015 Ellen Hunter Gans ’05
2014 Ellie Jelsing ’04
2013 Laura Hauff ’03
2012 Sarah Halverson Jansen ’02
2011 Kristi Kubista Hovis ’01
2010 Gretchen Adelmann Korf ’00
2009 Amy Hertel ’99
2008 Melissa Jordan ’98
2007 Ronda Weiss ’97
2006 Ellen Hodges ’96
2005 Connie Gerads Fournelle ’95
2004 Jennifer Ellen Nord Mallard ’94
2003 Jennifer Meyer Redman ’93
2002 Erin O’Toole-Tomczik ’92
2001 Laura McGrane ’91
2000 Michelle Bauerly-Kopel ’90
1999 Anne Garry Betts ’89
1998 Margrette Nemanich Newhouse ’88
1997 Annette Maggi ’87
1996 Christine Morris Boerner ’86
1995 Monica Sinner Goodwin ’85
1994 Nancy Holm ’84
1993 Marguerite DeSpain ’83
1992 Kim Ebert ’82
1991 Diane Gerdts-Hovey ’81
1990 Mary Cashman Bakken ’80
1989 Catherine McGinnis ’79
1988 Barbara Torborg Melsen ’78
1987 Beth Rademacher ’77
1986 Joanne Sunquist ’76
1985 Denise DeVaan ’75
Distinguished Alumna Award
Honors an alumna who has distinguished herself for her outstanding achievements in her chosen profession as well as has made a lasting contribution in her field as a role model and leader for all alumnae.
2023 Angela Steward-Randle ’88
2022 Bridgid Shea ’82
Deanna Suilmann ’76
2020 Mary Kramer ’85
2019 Colleen Corrigan ’94
2018 Colette Peters ’93
2017 Jackie Boucher ’87
2016 Mary Kay Ketter Carle ’61
2015 Denise DeVaan ’75
2014 Col. Kimberly Kuhn ’89
2013 Kari Erpelding Bunkers ’83
2012 Denise Vaaler Zapzalka ’92
2011 Dr. Linda Bishop Bohn ’71
2010 Karin Remington ’85
Jacqueline Vanrohea Mycklewhyte ’00
2009 Suzette Sutherland ’84
2008 Maria Hunt O’Phelan ’78
2007 Mary Highes Hynes ’77
2006 Dr. Michelle Mary Lelwica ’86
2005 Julie Ann Michels ’85
2004 Lyn Harter Ceronsky ’74
2003 Rebecca Jane Miller Jewison ’88
2002 Eleanor “Georgie” Betting Marquisee ’67
2001 Deanna Dowdle Suilmann ’71
2000 Pat Rengel ’60
1999 Rebecca Hafner ’74
1998 Elizabeth Barringer ’48
1997 Kay Kelly Conlon ’57
1996 Mary Kay Braus Hunt ’56
1995 Velma Smith Brown ’55
1994 Diana Lam ’69
1993 Beth Dinndorf ’73
1992 Mary L. Dombovy ’77
1991 Charlotte Kunkel Klose ’61
1990 Carol McCarthy ’55
1989 Helen Diemert ’49
1988 Donna Scherer Zitur ’53
1987 Mary Sohler ’37
1986 Julie Ann Lickteig ’61
1985 Marjorie Nelson Berard ’40
1984 Betty Schneider ’39
1981 Dr. Larraine Matusak ’62
1979 Consuelo Arteaga de Murphy ’49
1978 Catherine Pribyl Lupori ’41
Rosemary Boyle Petters ’48
1976 Phylis Geering Janey ’49
1975 Patricia Schmitt Mische ’61
Lois LaVasseur Liners ’46
1973 LeMay Wagner Bechtold ’49
2023 Angela Steward-Randle ’88
2022 Bridgid Shea ’82
Deanna Suilmann ’76
2020 Mary Kramer ’85
2019 Colleen Corrigan ’94
2018 Colette Peters ’93
2017 Jackie Boucher ’87
2016 Mary Kay Ketter Carle ’61
2015 Denise DeVaan ’75
2014 Col. Kimberly Kuhn ’89
2013 Kari Erpelding Bunkers ’83
2012 Denise Vaaler Zapzalka ’92
2011 Dr. Linda Bishop Bohn ’71
2010 Karin Remington ’85
Jacqueline Vanrohea Mycklewhyte ’00
2009 Suzette Sutherland ’84
2008 Maria Hunt O’Phelan ’78
2007 Mary Highes Hynes ’77
2006 Dr. Michelle Mary Lelwica ’86
2005 Julie Ann Michels ’85
2004 Lyn Harter Ceronsky ’74
2003 Rebecca Jane Miller Jewison ’88
2002 Eleanor “Georgie” Betting Marquisee ’67
2001 Deanna Dowdle Suilmann ’71
2000 Pat Rengel ’60
1999 Rebecca Hafner ’74
1998 Elizabeth Barringer ’48
1997 Kay Kelly Conlon ’57
1996 Mary Kay Braus Hunt ’56
1995 Velma Smith Brown ’55
1994 Diana Lam ’69
1993 Beth Dinndorf ’73
1992 Mary L. Dombovy ’77
1991 Charlotte Kunkel Klose ’61
1990 Carol McCarthy ’55
1989 Helen Diemert ’49
1988 Donna Scherer Zitur ’53
1987 Mary Sohler ’37
1986 Julie Ann Lickteig ’61
1985 Marjorie Nelson Berard ’40
1984 Betty Schneider ’39
1981 Dr. Larraine Matusak ’62
1979 Consuelo Arteaga de Murphy ’49
1978 Catherine Pribyl Lupori ’41
Rosemary Boyle Petters ’48
1976 Phylis Geering Janey ’49
1975 Patricia Schmitt Mische ’61
Lois LaVasseur Liners ’46
1973 LeMay Wagner Bechtold ’49
S. Emmanuel Renner Award
Honors an alumna who has distinguished herself for her outstanding achievements in her chosen profession as well as has made a lasting contribution in her field as a role model and leader for all alumnae.
2023 Janet Setter Dryer ’83
2022 Jona Turner Van Deun ’92
Laurie Rivard ’81
2020 Kathy Kurvers Henderson ’85
2019 The Class of 1964
2018 Judith Gretsch Schmid ’63
2017 Telzena Coakley ’62
2015 Lori Helmer ’85 *Awarded posthumously
2014 Lynn Newman ’79
2013 Barb Torborg Melsen ’78
2012 LeAnne Matthews Stewart ’87
2010 Laura Kelly Lovdahl ’85