Rule of Benedict


Benedictine Heritage Living in Music by Jordan SramekRule of Benedict

Vocation, Not just Employment by Fr. Jonathan Licari

From Ancient Fire to a Humane Future by Richard Bresnahan

Benedictine Monasticism as a Way of Life by Fr. Columba Stewart

Benedictine Spirituality Outside the Cloister


Information about The Rule of St. Benedict

eBook copy of The Rule of St. Benedict

The Reshaping of a Tradition by Sr. Ephrem Hollermann, Conclusion

Wisdom from the Monastery by Patrick Barry, Kathleen Norris, & Richard Yeo
(available in Quad 241 & Clemens Library)

Perspectives on the Rule of St. Benedict by Aquinata Bock mann
(available in Quad 241 & Alcuin Library)

The Road to Eternal Life by Michael Casey (available in Quad 241 & Clemens Library)

Seventy-Four Tools for Good Living by Michael Casey
(available in Quad 241 & Clemens Library)

Saint Benedict's Rule: An Inclusive Translation by Judith Sutera (available in Quad 241 & both libraries)

The Rule of Benedict: Insights for the Ages by Joan Chittister (available in Quad 241 & Clemens Library)

The Rule of Benedict: A Spirituality for the 21st Century by Joan Chittister (available in Quad 241 & Alcuin Library)

The Rule of Benedict for Beginners by Wil Derkse (available in Quad 241 & Clemens Library)

Benedictine Promises for Everyday People by Rachel Srubas (available in Quad 241 & Alcuin Library)

Spirituality for Everyday Living by Brian Taylor (available in Quad 241 & Alcuin Library)

Seeking God: The Way of St. Benedict by Esther de Waal (available in Quad 241 & Alcuin Library)

The Way of St. Benedict by Rowan Williams (available in Quad 241 & Alcuin Library)

How to Live by Judith Valente (available in Quad 241 & Clemens Library)


St. Benedict's Toolbox by Jane Tomaine, page 35-40

  • Tool #1: Questions about the Rule and Its Application to My Life
  • Tool #2: Identifying Words with Negative Connotations
  • Tool #3: The Influence of St. Benedict on Church History and Tradition