
“You must pray to him most earnestly to bring it to perfection.”  R.B. Prologue

“Pray for your enemies out of love for Christ.”  R.B. 4.72

“Prayer should…be short and pure.”  R.B. 20.4


Being Benedictine Across Generations by Jessie Bazan

Happiness: Benedictine Style by Sr. Michaela Hedican and Br. David Paul Lange

Meditating on Art: The Practice of Visio Divina by Elizabeth Johnson

John McCutcheon Shares by John McCutcheon

Lectio Divina: The Ancient Monastic Art of Praying with the Word by Br. David Paul Lange

The Benedictine Practice of Lectio Divina by Br. Lucian Lopez


Rule of Benedict, Chapter 20

Lectio Divina the Medieval Experience of Reading

Benedictine Prayer and Spirituality by Fr. Hilary Timmesh

Sacred Reading, the Ancient Art of Lectio Divina by Michael Casey (available in Quad 241 & Clemens Library)

Strangers to the City by Michael Casey, Ch. 4.3 (available in Quad 241 & Clemens Library)

The Breath of the Soul by Joan Chittister (available in Quad 241 and Clemens Library)

Meeting Christ in His Mysteries: A Benedictine Vision of the Spiritual Life by Gregory Collins (available in Quad 241 & Clemens Library)

Praying with Benedict by Sr. Katherine Howard (available in Quad 241 & Clemens Library)

Benedictine Living: Reflections for Prayer and Meditation, Ch. 3 by Kate Ritger (available in Quad 241 & Clemens Library)

Prayer & Community: The Benedictine Tradition by Fr. Columba Stewart (available in Quad 241 & Clemens Library)

Spirituality for Everyday Living by Brian Taylor, Ch. 2 (available in Quad 241 & Alcuin Library)

The Rule of Benedict: A Spirituality for the 21st Century by Joan Chittister, Ch. 20 (available in Quad 241 & Alcuin Library)

Beyond the Walls: Monastic Wisdom for Everyday Life by Paul Wilkes, Ch. 9 (available in Quad 241 & Clemens Library)

Praying with Benedict by Korneel Vermeiren (available in Quad 241 & Alcuin Library)

Saint Benedict’s Wisdom: Monastic Spirituality and the Life of the Church by Luigi Gioia, Ch. 7 (available in Quad 241 & Alcuin Library)


St. Benedict’s Toolbox by Jane Tomaine, page 48-55

Prayer hands