
To be content with living simply and finding balance in work, prayer, and leisure.
“All things are to be done with moderation.” R.B. 48

“…not be prone to greed, nor be wasteful and extravagant”  R.B. 31.12


Virgil Michel’s Benedictine Vision of a World Where All Have Enough by Eric LeCompte

What is a Benedictine Oblate? by Fr. Michael Peterson, Mary Stommes, Nick Tangen, and Holly Christie

One Hundred Miles of Harmony by Fr. William Skudlarek & Ajahn Jotipalo

The Nature of Saint John’s by Larry Haeg & Jenny Kutter

Once a Johnnie, Always a Johnnie by Fr. Lew Grobe


Rule of Benedict, Chapter 48

Benedictine Bits: Moderation

Benedictine Living: Reflections for Prayer and Meditation, Ch. 12 by Kate Ritger (available in Quad 241 & Clemens Library)

Finding Happiness: Monastic Steps for a Fulfilling Life by Christopher Jamison (available in Quad 241 & Clemens Library)

Always We Begin Again: The Benedictine Way of Living by John McQuiston II (available in Quad 241 & Alcuin Library)

The Rule of Benedict: A Spirituality for the 21st Century by Joan Chittister, Ch. 48 (available in Quad 241 & Alcuin Library)

Sacred Balance: Aligning Body & Spirit Through Yoga & the Benedictine Way by Melinda Emily Thomas (available in Quad 241)


St. Benedict’s Toolbox by Jane Tomaine, page 239-245