To hear keenly and sensitively the voices of persons and all created beings.
“Listen…with the ear of your heart.” R.B. Prologue
Benedictine Communication in and for Digital Culture by Daniella Zsupan-Jerome
Tending to the Essentials: Benedictine Wisdom for Growing Attentive by Michael Rubbelke
Tales from a Piano Bench and a Bicycle Seat by George Maurer
Grassroots Organizing and Benedictine Values…Say What? by Karlyn Forner
Being Benedictine Across Generations by Jessie Bazan
Vocation, Not just Employment by Fr. Jonathan Licari
A Monk’s Insight on Death by Fr. Mark Thamert
Hospitality: Making Room Inside Ourselves for Another Person by Sr. Cecelia Prokosch
Listening: The Heart of Leadership by Sr. Thomas Welder
Called to Leadership and Service by Sr. Thomas Welder
Listen with the Ear of Your Heart
Let Your Life Speak by Parker Palmer (available in Quad 241 & Alcuin Library)
A Hidden Wholeness: The Journey Toward An Undivided Life by Parker Palmer (available in Quad 241 & Clemens Library)
Benedictine Living: Reflections for Prayer and Meditation by Kate Ritger, Ch. 8 (available in Quad 241 & Clemens Library)
Strangers to the City by Michael Casey, Ch. 2.1 (available in Quad 241 & Clemens Library)
Radical Hospitality by Lonni Collins Pratt & Fr. Daniel Homan, Ch. 12 (available in Quad 241 & Clemens Library)
The Rule of Benedict: A Spirituality for the 21st Century by Joan Chittister, Prologue (available in Quad 241 & Alcuin Library)
Saint Benedict’s Wisdom: Monastic Spirituality and the Life of the Church by Luigi Gioia, Ch. 10 (available in Quad 241 & Alcuin Library)
St. Benedict’s Toolbox by Jane Tomaine, page 35-40
- Tool #1: Questions about the Rule and Its Application to My Life
- Tool #2: Identifying Words with Negative Connotations
- Tool #3: The Influence of St. Benedict on Church History and Tradition