Reunion 2019 FAQ



Q: Why is CSB/SJU postponing Reunion 2020?

A: As you know, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a worldwide impact on virtually every aspect of daily life, and the timeframe for mandated social distancing and limitations on large-group gatherings continues to be extended through the spring and into the summer.

Throughout our response to COVID-19 at CSB/SJU, we have continued to plan for Reunion 2020, knowing that it is an important milestone in the lives of our alums. We deeply value this opportunity to celebrate with our alumnae/i and to reconnect you with our community.

Despite our strong desire to hold Reunion 2020 this year, we are postponing the event in order to support the wellbeing and safety of every member of our community.

Q: If the stay-at-home order is lifted in time, will we consider hosting Reunion 2020?

A: If the stay-at-home order is lifted before June 26-28, Reunion 2020 weekend, we will maintain our decision to postpone Reunion 2020. Our priority remains on the health and wellbeing of our community, and we will continue to align our strategies with state and local health authorities providing guidance during this time.

Q: Can alumnae/i still visit campus this summer?

A: We will continue to monitor strategies and suggestions from state and local health authorities and will follow their lead in making decisions about our campus being open to the community. At this time, all classes are being held online and we are cancelling or postponing all campus events in the spring and early summer. Refer to the COVID-19 communications regarding the recommendations for any kind of gathering(s). Refer to for up-to-date information on the college’s responses to COVID-19.

Q: Why are you combining Reunion classes in 2021 rather than hosting two separate events?

A: We explored the option to host Reunion 2020 at a later date and/or host two Reunion weekends in 2021.  Since our summer events departments book other groups well in advance, there is no alternative weekend available in 2021 for a second Reunion to be added.  Therefore, we found that the best option was to hold a combined Reunion 2021 on June 25-27, 2021, since these dates were previously scheduled.

Q: How can I connect with my classmates I was going to see at Reunion 2020?




Linked In:


LinkedIn Alumni Group:


CSB/SJU Group and Class Facebook Pages 

Facebook Young Alum Group:

Class of 1976:

Class of 1980:

Class of 1981:

Class of 1985:

Class of 1986:

Class of 1990:

Class of 1991:

Class of 1995:

Class of 1996: (SJU)

Class of 2000:

Class of 2001:

Class of 2005:

Class of 2006:

Class of 2010:

Class of 2011:

Class of 2015:

Class of 2016: 

Q: Will CSB/SJU consider hosting virtual events instead of Reunion 2020?

A: We will not schedule virtual events in place of an in-person celebration of Reunion 2020. However, there are various opportunities for you to connect with classmates now and in the future. For CSB Alumnae, more information can be found here. For SJU Alumni, more information can be found here. Watch your email for opportunities to connect with CSB/SJU and your classmates.  

Q: I’ve registered for Reunion 2020. How, and when, will I receive a refund?

A: Alums who have registered and paid for Reunion housing and meals will receive full refunds for those items. Refund information has been sent out. Please contact us if you have not received it. [insert contact information]

Q: Can I keep or apply my Reunion 2020 registration to Reunion 2021?

A: Alumnae/i who have registered and paid for housing and meals will receive a separate e-mail soon regarding options for the refund process. You will need to register for Reunion 2021 separately.

Q: Where can I find the latest updates and information about how COVID-19 is impacting CSB and SJU?

A: Visit the CSB/SJU COVID-19 website to view the latest announcements and updates on how CSB/SJU is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Q: Will there be a special giving challenge for Reunion 2020 invitees that will fund current student scholarships?

A: Reunion giving will look different this year.


We will utilize a platform called GiveCampus for giving challenges: . More information is to come via e-mail to each class. 


[need to gather this information]

Q: In lieu of Reunion 2020, how can I learn about the latest accomplishments and future goals of CSB and SJU?

A: You can learn about the latest accomplishment and future goals of CSB and SJU by visiting


Q: When is Reunion 2021?

A: We look forward to hosting Reunion 2021, June 25-27, welcoming classmates from years ending in 1 and 6 in addition to the Reunion 2020 classmates from years ending in 0 and 5 (Reunion 2020 classes).

Q: As a Reunion volunteer, what can I do to plan for Reunion 2021?

A: Class liaisons will connect with Reunion volunteers regarding next steps. Watch your email for more information to come soon.

Anyone seeking the opportunity to help plan Reunion 2021 should connect via email at [email protected] (Bennies) or [email protected] (Johnnies) for more information.

Q: Will this year’s milestone graduation anniversaries (i.e. 25th, 50th) be celebrated at next year’s reunion?

A: We are currently exploring options for celebrating the milestone Reunion 2020 classes and will share more information about this soon.

Q: How will we recognize, and celebrate, Reunion award winners?

A: At Saint Ben’s, we are currently working through alternative programming options for a reunion awards celebration this summer. We will continue to keep you updated of any new developments on program offerings in the coming months.

At Saint John’s, Alumni Achievement Award recipients from the 0s and 5s will be recognized and will receive their rewards at Reunion 2021.

Q: Will there be enough space on campus for hosting Reunion 2021?

A: Yes! We are confident that we can accommodate all alumnae/i from classes ending in 1s, 6s, 0s and 5s who wish to join us for Reunion 2021. Housing options will be communicated at a future date.

Q: When will registration open for Reunion 2021?

A: The timing of registration for Reunion 2021 is still being discussed. Please watch your email for these details.

Q: Will we get to stay/sleep in the same spaces we reserved for Reunion 2020?

A: With larger attendance expected for Reunion 2021, previous housing options will likely be modified to best accommodate each class. Housing may sell-out so we encourage alums to register early to secure your spot.

Q: Where can I find a list of all Reunion volunteers?

A: Class volunteers for Reunion 2021 have not yet been determined. If you have not volunteered for Reunion, but would like to get involved, please connect with us at [email protected] (Bennies) or [email protected] (Johnnies).

Q: How can I help communicate this information to my classmates?

A: We have created this FAQ section to help answer questions regarding the postponement of Reunion 2020. If you or your classmates have any questions, refer them to this FAQ section and to past and future emails. Class volunteers are also a resource during this time [include the names of those volunteers]. Additional questions can be directed to [email protected] (Bennies) and [email protected] (Johnnies).

Q: Prayer requests?

A: Click the link to the CSB Monastery and then click on the ministries tab to find ways in which you can join prayer

Q: Missing campus?

A: Take a virtual tour


Q: How will I continue to learn new information about Volunteering?  

A: You can always find the latest information about Reunion 2020 and Reunion 2021 on the Reunion website:

You can also check in with CSB alumnae relations office at [email protected] or SJU alumni relations office at [email protected] . They can help you with any questions, planning or outreach you would like to do related to your class's reunion experience.

Your staff liaison will be providing ongoing updates at regular intervals to keep you in the reunion planning loop. 

Q: When will I re-engage as a volunteer? 

A: Your staff liaisons will be in touch with next steps. We hope you continue to reach out to your classmates and encourage them to save the date for Reunion on June 25-27, 2021.

Your staff liaison will continue to support your class through the entire reunion experience and will guide you along the way with key timelines, registration updates, and potential class-based activities.

Staff will provide ongoing updates to assist you in your volunteer role.

If you have any questions or are not able to continue as a volunteer, please reach out to your staff class liaison.



If you have any remaining questions, please contact the CSB Alumnae Office at [email protected] or 320-363-5682 or Leila Utsch in the SJU Alumni Office at [email protected] or 320-363-3654.