Alum Referral Scholarship
Do you know an outstanding high school student who would make a great Bennie or Johnnie?
As a graduate of the College of Saint Benedict or Saint John’s University, you know firsthand the transformative experience of a CSB+SJU education. The new Alum Referral Scholarship gives you the opportunity to help students take a similar journey of discovery. With your referral, students you believe would make a great addition to our community automatically qualify for a $1,000 scholarship (renewable for four years, totaling $4,000).
This new scholarship opportunity is a testament to the importance of your involvement in the lives of our future alums.
There’s no limit to the number of students you can refer. You don’t have to wait until they’re seniors, either — refer a freshman and give them plenty of time to think about becoming a Bennie or Johnnie.
Referral Scholarship
The deadline to refer a high school senior for this scholarship is January 15.
Frequently Asked Questions
What communication will the student get?
The student will receive an email letting them know you’ve referred them, making them eligible for the Alum Referral Scholarship. We’ll encourage them to visit campus and send informational materials from our Admissions Office.
Who is eligible to receive this scholarship?
Any student is eligible if the referral is completed by January 15 of their senior year. Any student who is referred by an alum and then is accepted and enrolls at CSB and SJU will receive the scholarship.
Can a Legacy student receive an Alum Referral Scholarship?
Our Legacy students (those who have had a parent, grandparent or sibling attend CSB and SJU) will not be eligible for this scholarship as they will receive the Legacy Scholarship, $1,000 per year ($4,000 in total).
Why is the deadline January 15?
This is necessary for CSB and SJU to be able to assemble financial aid packages and notify students in a timely fashion.
Will anyone be accepted after the deadline?
Unfortunately, we cannot accept referrals for seniors in high school after the January 15 deadline — so start referring students now, even if they’re freshmen or sophomores!
What if they don’t enroll at CSB and SJU?
If CSB and SJU isn’t the right fit for the student you referred, we’ll wish them well at their college of choice. As with the rest of their CSB and SJU financial aid package, the scholarship is only given if the student enrolls here.
Who can refer students?
Anyone can refer a student to CSB and SJU, and we strongly encourage that. Only students referred by an alum will be eligible for the Alum Referral Scholarship.
Can CSB alumnae only refer potential Bennies and SJU alumni only refer potential Johnnies?
No, Bennie and Johnnie alums can refer any student.
What if a student is referred by multiple alums?
The student will be notified of everyone who thinks they’d make a great Bennie or Johnnie. The award amount will not increase.
Is a student eligible if they have already applied to CSB and SJU?
Yes, as long as the referral form is submitted before January 15 of their senior year of high school.
Are students eligible for additional scholarships and financial aid?
Absolutely. CSB and SJU strive to make an education here affordable – awarding more than $100 million in need-based and merit-based financial assistance each year. Visit Cost, Aid & Scholarships to learn more.
Why does CSB and SJU need the student’s contact information?
We need to reach out to the student to tell them about CSB and SJU — and to notify them of the $1,000 annual scholarship!
Do I have to provide money, too?
No, referring a student won’t cost you a dime! This amount is built into their financial aid package from CSB and SJU. However, if you would like to make a gift, please visit givecsb.com or givesju.com.
Are transfer students eligible?
Yes, if they are referred by January 15 for enrollment in the fall semester or June 15 for enrollment in the spring semester, the $1,000 per year up to four years will be honored in their transfer package.
Additional questions?
For more information or questions about the Alum Referral Scholarship, please contact the Admission Office at 320-363-5060 or [email protected].
Contact the Admission Office
2850 Abbey Plaza
PO Box 7155
Collegeville, MN 56321
Office 320-363-5060
Toll Free 800-544-1489
Fax 320-363-5650
Email [email protected]