College of Saint Benedict Koch Chair in Catholic Thought and Culture
A Pilgrimage from Hollywood to Haiti:
Searching for God through Poverty, Prayer, and Action
Monday, April 7, 2025 | 7:00 pm
Gorecki Dining and Conference Center
College of Saint Benedict
From filming the poor to living with the poor, Gerard Thomas Straub ( discovered a wisdom that can only be learned by living the Gospel in a radical way. He shares his story of conversion and his decision to love through select video clips from his films. He then weaves them together with reflections on pilgrimage, poverty, and prayer, inspiring participants to contemplate their own call to respond to God and choose to love in their own way.
Gerard Thomas Straub is an award-winning filmmaker and author. He left a lucrative television career as an executive producer to put the power of film at the service of the poor, giving them a voice and introducing viewers to inspiring caregivers who chose to love them in radical ways. Gerry later decided to put down the camera and relocate to Haiti, where he founded Santa Chiara Children’s Center and Academy in his effort to follow the Gospel of Love more closely.
Gerry’s résumé includes serving as adjunct faculty at the Pontifical Gregorian University, three honorary doctorates, 21 films, and 11 books, including Reading Thomas Merton and Longing for God in Haiti (available on Amazon), as well as producing television dramas on NBC, CBS and ABC.
About the College of Saint Benedict Koch Chair in Catholic Thought and Culture
Through an annual lecture and other programming, the Koch Chair provides opportunities for faculty, staff, and students to bring the Catholic tradition into fruitful dialogue with the academic disciplines and explore contemporary issues relevant to Catholic faith and the wider culture.
This approach supports a full range of expertise, from science to the arts and humanities. Consistent with CSB’s commitment to empower female students to realize their full potential and contribute significantly to society, the Koch Chair highlights historical and contemporary women’s contribution to the Catholic intellectual and cultural tradition.
About the Koch Chair, Jennifer Beste
Koch Chair in Catholic Thought and Culture
Professor of Theology
Catherine Rupp
Department Coordinator
SJU Quad 239