
Classics is the interdisciplinary study of the ancient Greek and Roman peoples and their interactions with other populations and cultures in the Mediterranean and Middle East. It is an attempt to understand the origins of western society through study of Greek and Latin languages, literature, history, archaeology, art, religion, and philosophy. Classics is fascinating and practical. Classics students are capable and successful. They are agile thinkers and articulate, persuasive citizens. They become outstanding teachers, lawyers, education/arts administrators, museum curators, doctors, information technology specialists, and businesspersons. Students may major in Classical Studies or Classical Languages and/or minor in Greek or Latin.

Acceptance to Classical Studies Major Requirements

Course Requirements: two courses supporting the major by the end of the spring semester of the student’s sophomore year, such as History 130: Ancient World, History 220: Sword and Scroll, Humanities 221: Golden Age of Athens, Humanities 327: Classical Mythology, History 330: Greece in the Classical Period, History 332: Roman Empire, or Greek or Latin courses at any level (111, 112, 211, or 300)

Minimum Grade and/or GPA for required courses: 2.0 GPA

Minimum Cumulative GPA: 2.0

Time of application: Students apply to the Languages and Cultures Department Chair for admission to the Classical Studies major during the spring semester of their sophomore year and are accepted to the major before registering for junior-year coursework. Students may apply for admission to the major earlier as well. We encourage early consultation with Classics faculty, to consider on-campus offerings and study abroad options.

Unconditional acceptance: The student (1) has earned at least a C (2.00) grade point average for all coursework completed and for all coursework completed in the intended major and (2) is on track to complete two courses supporting the major by the end of the spring semester of the student’s sophomore year (see example courses above).

Conditional acceptance: The Languages and Cultures Department Chair may, at her/his discretion, admit students to the major who do not meet the criteria for unconditional acceptance. Such students may proceed with current registration, but their subsequent continuation in the major will be contingent on meeting expectations stipulated by the Chair.

Major in Classical Studies (40-56 credits)

This dynamic and flexible major combines the study of language, literature, history, archaeology, religion, philosophy, and the fine arts for an interdisciplinary approach to the ancient Mediterranean and Middle East.

Required Courses:

A student takes 44 credits of courses across these disciplines and completes a 2-credit capstone project. See "European Studies" for more details.

Acceptance to Classical Languages Major Requirements

Course Requirements: at least one 300-level course in Greek or Latin by the end of the spring semester of the student’s sophomore year

Minimum Grade and/or GPA for required courses: 2.0 GPA

Minimum Cumulative GPA: 2.0

Time of application: Students apply to the Languages and Cultures Department Chair for admission to the Classical Languages major during the spring semester of their sophomore year and are accepted to the major before registering for junior-year coursework. Students may apply for admission to the major earlier as well. We encourage early consultation with Classics faculty, to consider on-campus offerings and study abroad options.

Unconditional acceptance: The student (1) has earned at least a C (2.00) grade point average for all coursework completed and for all coursework completed in the intended major and (2) is on track to complete at least one 300-level course in Greek or Latin by the end of the spring semester of the student’s sophomore year.

Conditional acceptance: The Languages and Cultures Department Chair may, at her/his discretion, admit students to the major who do not meet the criteria for unconditional acceptance. Such students may proceed with current registration, but their subsequent continuation in the major will be contingent on meeting expectations stipulated by the Chair.

Major in Classics (30 credits beyond elementary sequence)

This major emphasizes the study of language in the ancient Mediterranean and literature in the original Greek and Latin. Here students explore pivotal works of poetry, history, prose fiction, philosophy, tragedy, comedy, rhetoric, biography, and epigraphy. We engage a wide range of authors (with a global impact) on their own terms.

Required Courses:

28 credits in upper-division courses (beyond intermediate Greek or Latin 211) in either Greek (for a Greek concentration) or Latin (for a Latin concentration) or a combination of the two, plus a two-credit Greek or Latin 399 capstone project. The senior honors thesis (398) can be taken in place of 399, and its four credits may be applied toward the required 28 credits. In addition, of the 28 credits taken, four credits may be in classical literature or civilization in translation or (with permission of department chair) in a related field.


Students are strongly urged to take two courses in related fields. Such courses should be chosen to fulfill Integrations Curriculum requirements.

Greek and Latin Minors (12 credits beyond elementary sequence)

The department also offers minors in Greek and Latin. For many students, a minor is the right fit, allowing them to explore the rich literary landscape of Greece and Rome, while complementing other programs of study and distinguishing their resumes.

Required Courses:

After completing the language proficiency requirement (with either Greek or Latin 211), 12 credits in upper-division courses in either Greek or Latin.

Greek Courses (GREK)

Latin Courses (LATN)