Standing Committees
The standing committees of the Joint Faculty Assembly participate in the governance of the college and university. Below are descriptions of the committees’ charges and links to their SharePoint sites.
Academic Curriculum Committee (ACC)
The Academic Curriculum Committee oversees the quality and functioning of the academic curricula of majors, minors, and programs, and any other credit-bearing opportunities other than areas relating to the Common Curriculum.
Academic Planning and Budget Committee (APBC)
The Academic Planning and Budget Committee represents the faculty in the joint institutional strategic planning process and advises the provost on matters of budgeting and long-range programmatic, fiscal and personnel planning for the academic areas. Although the committee regularly considers those matters referred to it by the provost, it may also respond to charges given it by the Faculty Senate and may initiate its own studies. The committee is charged with seeing that curricular planning meets the institutional missions and visions of the College and University.
Coordinating Committee for Academic Policies and Standards (CCAPS)
The members for the Coordination of Academic Policies and Standards reviews and makes recommendations regarding new academic policies and standards or changes in existing academic policies and standards. In addition, the work of the Academic Curriculum Committee, Common Curriculum Committee, Academic Budget and Planning Committee, and Program Assessment Committee with regard to proposed new academic programs.
Faculty Compensation and Benefits Committee (FCBC)
The Faculty Compensation and Benefits Committee formulates recommendations on compensation issues. The committee serves in an advisory capacity to the provost in the budgeting process as it relates to compensation.
Faculty Development and Research Committee (FDRC)
The Faculty Development and Research Committee develops guidelines and implements policies, procedures and programs which will enhance the personal, professional and instructional development of the faculty, and it recommends institutional changes and improvements necessary to accomplish these goals.
Faculty Handbook Committee (FHC)
The Faculty Handbook Committee acts as a resource to faculty members concerning Faculty Handbook policies and coordinates faculty deliberations concerning amendments to the Faculty Handbook.
General Education Curriculum Committee (GECC)
The General Education Curriculum Committee oversees the quality and functioning of the General Education Curriculum.
Graduate Theological Studies Committee (GTS)
The Graduate Theological Studies Committee, in collaboration with the faculty of the School of Theology, reports to the Dean of the School of Theology, who receives from them recommendations on academic matters for the School of Theology and, in turn, reports to the president of Saint John’s University.
Program Assessment Committee (PAC)
The Program Assessment Committee promotes continuous improvement of student learning and teaching effectiveness through assessment and evaluation processes that foster integrity and excellence in academic programs.
Rank and Tenure Committee
The Rank and Tenure Committee regularly reviews the progress of the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University faculty with regard to their professional growth and their fulfillment of the obligations of faculty appointments. The committee makes recommendations to the provost concerning advancements to tenure and promotion in rank as set forth in Section 2.7 of the Faculty Handbook, “Promotion Policies and Procedures.”