Anna Mirsch ’13

Pre and Post-Practice Hydration Status of Female Collegiate Basketball Players

Basketball is a high intensity sport and although played indoors, sweat losses can be significant (1). Failure to consume adequate fluids can lead to dehydration which can impair performance (2).

Purpose: To determine the pre and post-practice hydration status of female collegiate basketball players and compare fluid consumption between water and PowerAde. 

Methods: This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board and 13 female collegiate basketball players gave informed consent. Hydration status was determined by urine specific gravity (USG) of pre and post-practice urine samples during four practices. All players had ad libitum water at two practices and ad libitum PowerAde at the other two practices; fluid consumption was tracked.  

Results: all players on average were dehydrated at the beginning of practice; 46% (n = 6) were minimally dehydrated (1.010-1.020) and 54% (n = 7) were significantly dehydrated (1.021-1.030)(3). Hydration status did not improve with fluid consumption during practice. On average 85% of players had a higher USG post-practice and 23% of players became seriously dehydrated (>1.030) (3).  There was a significant difference between pre-practice USG (1.021 +/- 0.008) and post-practice USG (1.026 +/- 0.009) (p = 0.00). Average fluid intake was greater with PowerAde (591 +/- 34 mL) than in water (560 +/- 85 mL), but fluid intake was not statistically different. Paired t-tests also indicated no significant difference in USG after consuming PowerAde compared to water.

Conclusion: On average 100% of the players arrived at practice dehydrated. Furthermore, fluid consumption during practice did not improve hydration status as USG significantly increased. The importance of starting practice well hydrated must be addressed with these players to prevent dehydration from occurring during practice/games so that performance is not compromised.

 •1.     Osterberg, et .al. (2009). Journal of Athletic Training, 44(1), 53-7.  

•2.     Baker, et. al. (2007). Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 39(7), 1114-23.

•3.     Casa et. al.  (2000).Journal of Athletic Training, 35(2), 212-24. 

Anna Mirsch was intending to present his research at the Northland Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine but the conference was cancelled due to weather.

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 Pre and Post-Practice Hydration Status of Female Collegiate Basketball Players

Research Advisor: Amy Olson, PhD, RDN, LD