
After completion of the First Year Seminar, students planning to major in music should seek a music faculty member as an advisor. Students should check with their studio instructor for various opportunities available to them, especially if their advisor is not their studio instructor. Music faculty members can advise students which special study courses are crucial for upper division candidates.

Centralized Student Files

Each music major/minor has a file maintained by the Chair. These files are housed on the CSB campus. Items include:

  • Jury sheets for each semester, and each instrument
  • First year full-faculty review notes
  • Sophomore full-faculty review notes
  • Upper division process notes and application for the degree sequence
  • Student Performance Series programs
  • Junior and/or senior recital programs
  • Guitar, organ, piano and/or voice proficiencies
  • Awards and scholarship documentation
  • Letters of recommendation (e.g., education department, graduate schools, job placement)
  • Other pertinent information